About the Association
Established in 1994, EPLF® - the Association of the European Producers of Laminate Flooring represents the leading producers of laminate flooring in Europe and their suppliers. Its mission is to raise awareness about the benefits of laminate flooring and represent the interests of the European Producers of Laminate Flooring.
To do so, EPLF will:
- EDUCATE by providing information on the product and the industry
- PROMOTE the reputation of laminate flooring and the industry
- LEVERAGE the wealth of expertise of the network
- FOSTER the highest quality for laminate flooring through standardisation
Its vision is to enable a sustainable laminate flooring industry.
The EPLF's® members account for approx. 50% of the global market and more than 80% of the European market. At present a total of 15 laminate producers from eight European countries, 25 suppliers to the laminate flooring industry and renowned testing institutes are members of the EPLF®.
Association Profile
The EPLF® is an international platform for the exchange of ideas and experience between producers of laminate flooring and their supplier industries. The focus of the Association's work revolves around research, development, the introduction of standards, representation at international trade fairs and representation of interests, evaluation of statistical data and active press office and public relations work.
The top decision-making body in the Association is the EPLF® Meeting of Members which convenes once a year at an international location. They are responsible for selecting the Executive Board and the chairmen of the EPLF® Working Groups. At the Meeting of Members the Executive Board, the Working Groups and the Executive Unit of the EPLF® members present details of current Association projects and future perspectives for discussion.
The EPLF® Executive Board is responsible for the administration and coordination of all Association activities and for developing Association policy and strategy. It is responsible for contacts with decision-making bodies within and outside the Association and is the client of the Executive Unit.
Members of the Executive Board
- Chairman of the board: Ruben Desmet (Unilin), Chairman of the Market & Image Committee
- Member of the board: Eberhard Herrmann (Classen), Chairman of the Technical Committee
- Member of the board: Fabian Kölliker (Swiss Krono)
- Auditor: Michael Strack (PKF WMS GmbH & Co. KG)
The Association is managed by SEC Newgate EU (Brussels, Belgium), which is also where the Brussels Office is located.
The Managing Director of the EPLF® is Feriel Saouli. SEC Newgate EU is also responsible for the press office and public relations on behalf of the Association.
The association has two Committees: The Market & Image Committee, chaired by Ruben Desmet (Unilin) and the Technical Committee, chaired by Eberhard Herrmann (Classen). The Committees deal mainly with:
Market & Image Committee
- Quarterly sales statistics
- Press office and public relations work
- Lobbying
- International trade fair representation
- Internet
- Trend analyses
- Market research
- Monitoring of competition
Technical Committee
- Development of research and standards, e.g. EN 13329 European standard on laminate flooring
- Involvement in standardisation bodies at both European and international level
- Preparation of brochures and data sheets on technical issues, e.g. data sheets on laying and cleaning
- Working parties for special projects, e.g. Working Party on Push and Pull Forces, Working Party on Deep structures, Working Party on Castor Chair Test.

The EPLF Innovation Manifesto
The EPLF Innovation Manifesto was officially adopted by members in May 2017. This strategy paper formulates the self-perception of the Association and defines the guiding principles for future activities.